I've been a part of Coupon Sense for over a year now. My sister and I decided that it was time to meet our instructor, Nina Brannock. She is THE nicest person I've ever met. The class was just us three; very quaint and personal. We talked about coupons, the recently improved website, saving money, picked up some great tips, and the list goes on. When it was time to call it a night, some Gala apples. They smelled so yummy. I don't usually bake with fruit...what do I do??
I didn't even have to search the internet for a recipe, it came to me. I clicked a Facebook feed from Our Best Bites for No Bake Reese's Peanut Butter Bars and at the bottom of that page there it sat; Apple Streusel Bars. Perfect! I did, however, substituted the almond extract for vanilla because that's what I had on hand which in turn made the icing "not white" but did not affect the flavor in my opinion. I didn't make it for show; I just didn't want the apples to go bad.
Our Best Bites result:

My result:

They turned out so yummy. Thanks Kate & Sara!
They were very delicious!!1